Adventure Rewards
All tokens in the game reward pool will be produced by Adventure, It is not necessary for players to pay gas fee when challenging the enemies in Adventure. The tokens obtained by a player in Adventure will be transferred to his personal treasury, and the player can withdraw the tokens from his personal treasury to his wallet at any time.
Players do not have to pay gas fee except withdrawing tokens from personal treasuries. 10% of the tokens will be deducted from the extracted tokens, which will be put into the foundation treasury, Adventure has a total number of 150 million tokens. The fund pool is separate from each other and operating independently according to the difficulty level. As more and more tokens in the fund pool are excavated, the tokens won for each challenge at the corresponding difficulty level will decrease in proportion The ordinary-level treasury accounts for 50%, namely 75 million tokens The hard-level treasury accounts for 35%, namely 52.5 million tokens The hell-level treasury accounts for 15%, namely 22.5 million tokens For example, when the number of the remaining tokens in the ordinary-level treasury are 37,500,000, the tokens obtained by players for each challenge will be reduced to 50%
When a player defeats the enemy and gets the token reward, he will also get the fatigue value in the corresponding difficulty level. The higher the fatigue value, the longer the refresh time will be, and the maximum refresh time can be doubled. The fatigue value will decrease by taking part in the “Battle” mode of the corresponding difficulty level. Ordinary: The fatigue value will increase by one point for each successful challenge and 70-point fatigue will be recovered by taking part in the ordinary Battle Hard: The fatigue value will increase by two points for each successful challenge, and 49-point fatigue will be recovered by taking part in the hard Battle Hell: The fatigue value will increase by three points for each successful challenge and 21-point fatigue will be recovered by taking part in the hell Battle
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